Applied Photophysics Ltd ( 应用光物理公司)生产的型号为 SX20 的停流光谱仪,在国内的清华大学、武汉大学、中山大学、华南农业大学应用多年, 并有很好的高等级的文献引用和发表,数据引用率占可检索到的已发表的文献的百分之八十以上。
停流(stopped flow)是一种光谱技术,用于研究溶液体系的非常快速的反应的机理,反应的时间一般在0.001秒到0.01秒之间,这个瞬时动力学现象可反映反应的速度、机理、短时间存在过的反应中间体等基础信息。
The SX20 is the latest in the SX range of stopped-flow reaction analysers from Applied Photophysics and is used to study transient and pre-steady-state kinetics of fast, liquid-phase reactions. The SX range has, since its introduction over 15 years ago, established itself as the first choice of those involved in stopped-flow kinetic research. The SX20 and its predecessors offer unrivalled performance, as well as a host of upgrade opportunities for the detailed investigation of chemical and biochemical reaction mechanisms